Welcome to our Just-Life Synagogue!
After more than twenty years of mission work in several countries and people groups, I felt led of the Lord to try to start a fellowship here in our region. I longed to see a dream of mine come to life here. Teaching some of the things I taught in other countries along with a blend of the Hebrew roots of our glorious faith in Messiah.
We started in living rooms and then in our garage (synagarage ).
This is much harder ground to plow here in the West in some respects. We have it so easy still as believers, and there is so much materialism, that it is hard to wake people up from their complacency. I have taught and still firmly believe in a Home Church paradigm, and yet I still believe that a unified place of assemblage can be useful and even vital. I had my eye on some property locally and pushed very hard on that door to make it open. But Father apparently had another and much better plan in store for us. I found a beautiful empty church for sale. As a former builder I went through it from attic to basement and found it to be built like a fortress. It was valued at several hundreds of thousands of dollars. I made the seller an offer for literally pennies on the dollar. They accepted it and our Non-Profit association bought it. I am old enough to KNOW that many times we can feel something is divinely brought to us, only to find later it was our own ego or agenda involved. In this case there have been many, many confirmations that this is the place for ‘such a time as this’. It reminds me of the scriptures in the bible where Yahweh states “I will give you vineyards you did not plant and houses you did not build…. Etc”.
Historians tell us that the Early Church transformed empires and had explosive growth. Of course they met in homes, and yet they often met in synagogues and even rented space in larger venues for the numbers of people that came into “The Way”. There were ‘Apostolic Training Centers’ so to speak in several regions where Paul and others ministered. It is our hope that not only will we fill a need in our region but perhaps be a bit of a training center for others who may feel led to follow our model? Be that as it may, and unto the leading of Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), we rejoice in what He has started here.
We heartily celebrate Sabbath and meet each Saturday at 5:30. If you would like more information please email to pilgrimceddy@yahoo.com