Think on these things


  There once was a famous psychologist name Abraham Maslow that popularized a framework called the “hierarchy of needs.”  He postulated that man moves out of very basic needs for food, shelter and survival based needs, up through things as lofty as cultural and art and music.  If the most crucial elements were met– then man would entertain other endeavors to satisfy his worldview or his creative energies. 

     I think we do this spiritually as well.  Sometimes during easier seasons in our life we might think on certain theories or doctrines.  If all our ‘ducks are in a row’ so to speak– we may move on to tweak how they are spaced or if their feathers are properly preened!  Unfortunately we often get soft and complacent in times like these.  But, many times we are forced to go back to basics..  Sometimes our ‘ducks can be in a row’ and it turns out to be duck hunting season! Our lives can get jumbled.  We get wounded or deeply concerned over our situation: whether it be relational, family, financial or health matters.  We can get to a point where we truly wonder if God is in this with us?  Does He care?  Will it ever get ‘fixed?’ 

     Maybe you are walking in a similar season even now.  You might just have to go back to the basics in your heirarchy of spiritual needs. 

1.  I believe in God.

2.  I see evidence every day that He created this fascinating world.

3.  His holy, inspired Word declares that He is a loving Father.  Jesus reminds us that if He knows about a sparrow fallin or the hairs on our heads… He certainly knows our needs – and will answer.

     “The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him.. to the one who seeks Him.  It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”

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