The only way to truly change your life.. is to live an exchanged life.
Maybe your Facebook page looks a little different from mine.. but i get alot of posts for things like diet plans, maybe cool sunglasses worn by celebs, and of course offers to view singles in my area! Now that would indeed change my life– my wife would kill me!
All of these teasers offer overtly, or at least subliminally, to change my life. Mind you, i am not against change. Shoot, I still sometimes practice making New Years’ resolutions. But true change– eternal change, the kind that brings me joy, peace, or sets me free has never come that way.
Would you agree that it is hard to live the Christain life? I would suggest to you that it is not just hard.. it is impossible. He desires to live his life through us. “Christ in you – the hope of glory” says the Bible. Anything else we do or offer is merely various shades of self-discipline or religous works. Hasn’t the world seen enough vain attempts at holiness.
I so much want to present an authentic outpouring of an healthy relationship with the Author and finisher of my faith. I sure hope i somehow get it right before i graduate from Soul School.